Thursday, 14 June 2018

Using basic python syntax

We are learning to compare and contrast 2 different programming languages- JavaScript and Python. For JavaScript I used Codecombat and I solved quite a few challenges and screencastified my work. I understand that JavaScript uses case sensitive letters and I need to be very specific when I use the commands I have to use semicolons and parentheses at the end of the line. The curly brackets are written at the start and the end of a code to loop it if I can't be bothered writing it over and over again.
I have just started to learn to use Python today. I used python trinket to change the colour. I learn't how to move the circles that were there and how to change the colour. I also found out how to repeat the code so I made 6 circles instead of 3.

Thursday, 7 June 2018


We had handwriting today for the first time in years in class. I think you can already tell how it went. Not good and boring.