Friday 7 June 2019

Why everybody should have a pet.

Pets are amazing. You don’t believe me? Well, there must be a reason that so many kids have “a pet” written in bold at the top of there Christmas wish list.  In my opinion, everybody should have a pet.

You may be thinking, that some people don’t have either the room or the time for one. But, there are so many different types that you can get, at least one will be perfect for you. If you’re fortunate enough to live in a house with a backyard, you can already get a dog, cat, bird, you name it. If you own a lot of land with fenced-off grass, why don’t you get a horse? Or even a donkey! You may be thinking, what if I don’t have any land at all? What if I live in a small apartment that doesn’t allow dogs or cats or anything that makes much of a noise five stories above the ground? Just get a little pet, like a mouse or a rat. If you are part of a large percentage of people, you will be absolutely disgusted by this idea. But why? What is really that bad about rats? They’ve got tiny little claws and tiny little teeth, sure. But so do humans, and chances are, you don’t mind being around people so much. Besides, you get a pet, and you may just be making their like so much better as well.

Not only are pets great, but they are also great for you. Owning a pet may be just what you need to get up and go for a run at the park. A breath of fresh air and a bit of exercise is good for anybody. That’s not the only reason pets are so good for you. They can also unknowingly teach you things that humans can’t. They teach you loyalty and how to stick with something. Pets also teach you how to look after something. Once people know that you can be trusted to look after an animal, they’ll know you can be trusted.

Pets are marvellous things that everyone should have, and when you get a pet, you gain a companion as well. If you are lonely, you know what you need; a pet. They’re friends that stick with you, that will love you forever. Honestly, sometimes they can be better than having a human friend. Pets can never say the wrong thing so they are automatically masters at emotional support. Besides, it’s far too easy to make a person annoyed compared to a dog. You forget to feed your pet one morning and they’re still your best friend by the time you get home from work. You forget one slightly important thing in the supermarket and suddenly your flatmate doesn’t speak to you for a week. There are so many reasons that pets can be more kind than humans. Anyway, you can argue with your cat, your dog, your mouse, your horse and unless your really unlucky, you will most likely win any arguments with them. Not that there will be much as (added bonus) pets don’t talk back.

Just imagine what it will be like to have such a caring and compassionate friend that sticks by your side to the end of the world that will continue to help you when you need it most and never gives up on you or let you down. What you are imagining is a pet.