Friday 20 September 2019

Skiing reflection.

I remember waking up that morning. I couldn’t believe it. It was finally Wednesday. The day that all thirteen year eights went skiing! I barely remember that morning. How could I remember the boring tasks of getting ready for school when such memorable events followed?

The morning at school went surprisingly fast. Before I knew it, I was piled in a car, loud music blaring. By the time We arrived at the bottom of the mountain, I already had a couple of stories to tell. I remember that I did quickly grow tired though. Honestly, the walk up that mountain was tiring! By the time I got up the mountain, I was wondering how I was going to ski! As soon as I made it into the lodge, I sat down and kicked my shoes off. Along with everyone else, I wolfed down a delicious lunch, ready to relax. However, we never really got to the relaxing bit as we were hurried to another part of the building to get our ski boots. I waited anxiously for mine while watching those who already had theirs enviously. By the looks on their faces, I could tell that it wasn’t going to be easy.

I soon found out that it wasn’t as soon as we reached the place that we were skiing. I slowly walked up the hill, falling over multiple times. The first trip down was painful. And also very quick compared to the time it took to get back up again! It went like that for most of the skiing time for that day. A slow walk up. Fast ski/fall down. Repeat. But finally, near the end, I actually did it! I went down, turned, and, most important, of all, I didn’t fall over! It was sad that we had to stop though but I was really looking forward to dinner!

I woke up at 6:30 the next morning. After a quick conversation with Rhea and Natasha, (who were in my room as well) we got up. Breakfast was simple. I just had some muesli, no milk as it was recently powdered milk and was still lumpy. I was going to try some, but the warnings of others scared me off. After a small number of dishes and some rounds of ping pong, we were off. We got our ski boots on, our skis over our shoulder and clumsily walked over to where we went skiing. My legs we tired but I was determined to use the Nutcracker today. After a few successes and failures, I was finally ready. I strapped a Nutcracker around my waist and stood in line. To use it, you just have to hold onto the rope which drags you forward and then fling the Nutcracker onto the rope and wait for it to drag you up the mountain. It sounds simple but it took a few goes to get it right. In the end, I did and had a great time going up and down the mountain. 

But as they say, time flies by when you’re having fun. Soon, due to bad weather, we had to go. Not just to our skis but to the lodge and mountain altogether. After a delayed start, we were on our way, back to the cars at the bottom of the mountain that dropped us off in the first place. The trip down may not have been as bad as the way up, but it was still tiring. When we got to the bottom, loaded our bags into the cars, took our jackets off and piled into the cars, I was almost ready to sleep. During the way back, my mind was buzzing with recent memories. The trip had some downs, but altogether, it was amazing. I cannot wait for our next W.P.C.A trip.

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