Wednesday 25 September 2019

Term 3 reflection.

This term has been so eventful, I honestly can’t believe that it has just been one term. So many exciting things have happened that I just can’t fit it all into one reflection.

One of my favourite things that have happened this term would definitely be Cant-a-maths. It was an overnight trip to Christchurch with the 3 other year 8s and the team of 4 year 7s. We managed to fit a lot into the short time. First, we went for a quick swim as soon as we reached the holiday park. We then left for the competition. Altogether we didn’t do too bad with 50 points! After that, we went ice skating and had a great time. I wish that I could go on the same trip every year.

We also had speeches this term. Unlike in previous years, I knew what I was going to do my speech on. Annoying things that adults say! I spent a long time on it and I memorized the whole speech. I was actually really excited to present my speech this year. I made it into the school speech competition and I think that I did pretty good. I didn’t make it into rotary but the two who did were really good!

I think that I have made a good amount of academic progress this year as well. I have learnt a lot of things in maths and I even managed to complete the basic facts tests! We have also been doing some different things in reading. We have started a Reading log, so whenever we read outside of school, we put it on the reading log so we can see how much we have read. Reciprocal reading is another thing that we’ve been doing for reading. Reciprocal reading is good when everybody works together, but when people don’t, it can be a little frustrating as not much gets done.

Out of all of the great things that have happened this term, the lastest WPCA trip would have to be my favourite. A two-night trip to the Temple Basin ski area! We all had a great time. Twelve year 8s with a teacher, a former teacher, and other parents who came along as well. The trip up was painful but it was worth it. Honestly, I was horrible at skiing at first but I finally got the hang of it by the end of the first day. Yes, right at the end. I was a little bit annoyed that we had to go inside as soon as I learnt how to stop but it turned out that it was a good thing that we went inside because just a couple of minutes later, it started snowing. A lot. The two days were also really fun, but of course, we had to leave. If I could go back one day, I definitely would.

This term has probably been my favourite this year so far. I am really sad that this term is going to be one of my last at this school.

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