Friday 1 November 2019

It is wrong to fight.

Throughout history, people have fought. Over the smallest things, people have fought. But what has this achieved? Does fighting really improve anything? In my opinion, scraps and punch ups have no place what-so-ever in our modern society.

There is a difference between defending yourself against someone who just tried to punch you in the face, and being the one throwing the punch. If someone just tried to punch you, then you have all the right in the world to defend yourself. But if you started it, just stop and think for a minute. Will this actually help anything? If you decide to try to solve your problems using your words instead of fists, then you might just work things out. Talking will give you more time to calm down. It will also give you a chance to see the other persons point of view. But what if the other person is just provoking you. What if there is no argument to talk over? What if they are just insulting you and trying to get you to throw the first punch so they can fight back? Can you fight them then? The answer is still no. If you do, you will just be playing right into their hands. However, if you choose to ignore them, they will get frustrated and everybody will see that they are “the bad guy”.

Fighting someone can also create more problems instead of solving them. You may just think that it is just one little scrap, but it could turn into so much more. When you start attacking someone, your instincts will take over and you won’t hold back. What could start as a little argument over a tiny thing could lead to a trip to the hospital and possibly the end of a friendship or social status. All because you decided to throw a punch. Unfortunately, those are not the worst possible outcomes. So many more things could happen. Just imagine what life would be like if having a fight with someone was considered acceptable and normal whenever someone had a little argument with you?

If fighting was an appropriate thing to do, then humans would have made no progress at all in creating a peaceful world. If the only chance to win an argument was to be strong and be able to fight, then what would happen to any small person? People would focus so much time on being fit and strong, they wouldn’t have much time for anything else. I am not saying that this is a bad thing, but not if they did it for the sole purpose of winning an argument/ Think about all the amazing inventions that we have today. No doubt someone worked on them for hours a day. But if they didn’t have time for this because they were spending to much time making sure that they win their next fight. In short, human history would come to a standstill.

All in all, I think that fighting is absolutely useless. Fighting is a horrible thing to do that creates more problems than it solves and more often than not, results in horrible outcomes.

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