Monday 18 November 2019

Summer vs winter in New Zealand

In my opinion, if I was a tourist and I was coming to New Zealand for a holiday, I would much rather go in the summer as opposed to winter and I have a few good reasons why.

Even though we live right next to Australia, New Zealand is not always the warmest. The Winters can get freezing and is still cold and rainy throughout Spring. Like right now. Unlike in summer, there are less free activities to do in New Zealand in the winter without freezing You can go skiing or snowboarding but that costs money to rent equipment or rent a place. And what if you don’t have the proper clothes for it? For a summer in New Zealand, you won’t even need thermals, but if you come in winter, it may cost money to buy the proper gear if you do not already have it. However, in summer, you can rent a cheap place, wear cheap clothes and spend all your time at a beach and be happy.

There are also more things to do in Summer. Some people might think that you can go skiing and everything in the winter, but you can’t in summer, but the weather changes so much here, you might not get the chance. One day, it could be perfect for skiing, but by the time you want to start, the weather could be too bad to ski. Or (though unlikely), the snow could melt too early. In some parts of New Zealand, it doesn’t snow anyway (at least, it isn’t meant to) like Greymouth. And what is the point of coming to New Zealand if you don’t come to Greymouth? Sure you visit the beach and go surfing in the winter, but it might not be very safe.

Summer is also the time for barbeques! In the summer, everybody love going down to the beach or the lake, chilling and having a nice BBQ and ice cream after you have had a swim.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend coming to New Zealand in summer. Or you can just come and live here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    My name is Matilda and I am a blog commenter for the Summer Learning Journey this year! I’ve noticed that you haven’t done any of the activities yet. Our finish date is the 24th of January but there is still time to give it a go and start gaining some points!

    You have done such a cool post about New Zealand! I love how you talked in such detail! I've never been to Greymouth before but you've convinced me to go visit!

    The Summer Learning Journey has heaps of activities to choose from! Here is the link. Have a look through and find some activities you like the looks of. I’m looking forward to seeing which ones you choose! (For one of the activities you get to make a travel brochure about a country you choose! You would be really good at this one!)

    Remember if you have any questions all you have to do is ask!

    Can’t wait to hear from you!

    Matilda :)


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